Emerald Store & Prime Report Thursday 5th May 2022
Sale Report With 2 weeks between the last sale, Emerald agents penned just under 2900 for today’s sale. Quality was fairly mixed but with recent rainfall and impending showers has every category anywhere from 10-35cents dearer than the previous sale. In the prime section bullocks over 550kgs sold to 430c/kg to average 423c/kg, heavy steers 500-550kgs topped at 442c/kg to average 425, heavy heifers over 400kgs coming under feeder & prime competition reached 480c/kg to average 385c/kg, heavy cows over 520kgs topped at 369c/kg to average 355c/kg, cows 450-520kgs made as much as 363c/kg to average 342c/kg, while bulls over 600kgs sold to 376c/kg. In the store section, heavy feeder steers 400-500kgs reached 554c/kg to average 499c/kg, trade feeder steers 350-400kgs sold to 580c/kg to average 547c/kg, 280-350kgs steers topped at 750c/kg to average 531c/kg, weaner steers 200-280kgs made as much as 750c/kg to average 640c/kg, while light steers made to 778c/kg. Trade feeder heifers 350-400kgs sold to 548c/kg to average 494c/kg, 280-350kg heifers topped at 608c/kg to average 528c/kg, weaner heifers 200-280kgs made as much as 628c/kg to average 528c/kg, while light heifers under 200kgs sold to 654c/kg. A pen of medium frame Brahman Cross cows with branded calves at foot approx. 3-4 months old, sold for $2900/unit
Sale Highlights: The Daniels Family ‘Stonybrook’ Springsure sold Santa Bullocks to 429c/kg to weigh 747kg or $3206, Shane Goodwin ‘Malthoid’ Capella consigned Brahman Bullocks to 429c/kg to weigh 630kg and returned $2703. The Lansdowne Family ‘Southernwood’ Willows offered a line of Steers the best making to 566c/kg to weigh 374kg or $2028, Brendans Pastoral Co ‘Mossvale’ Alpha sold Brahman Steers to 602c/kg and weighed 316kg to return $1906. Paul & Judy Wroe ‘Natal’ Middlemount sold Braford Cows making to 369c/kg to weigh 655kg or $2418, Rob & Kylie Cunningham ‘Myrtle Park’ Comet consigned Charolais Cross Cows to 369c/kg to weigh 676kg to return $2495. Geoff & Phillipa Hurrey ‘Crillee’ Clermont sold Limousin Cross Steers to 578c/kg to weigh 345kg to return $1998, Scott & Kimberly Schoo ‘Yandoon’ Capella sold Charolais Cross Steers to 686c/kg and weighed 263kg to return $1806. Will & Danni-Ann Hogan ‘Ranger Valley’ Springsure sold Ultra Black Cross Steers to 718c/kg to weigh 238kg or $1715, while their heifer portion sold to 628c/kg to weigh 229kg and returned $1440. The Barlow Family ‘Crystal Creek’ Capella sold Santa Weaner Heifers to 558c/kg to weigh 242kg to return $1353.