Emerald Store & Prime Report Thursday 26th May 2022

Store & Prime Sale – Thursday 26/05/2022

Sale Report:  With a 2-week spell due to widespread rainfall, Emerald agents penned just under 1400 at today’s sale. As anticipated, the recent moisture had every description of cattle fully firm on the last sales values, despite the mixed quality offering, most cattle are presenting in a forward to prime condition.
In the prime section bullocks over 550kgs sold to 452c/kg to average 437c/kg, heavy steers 500-550kgs topped at 468c/kg to average 445, heavy heifers over 400kgs coming under feeder & prime competition reached 476c/kg to average 448c/kg, heavy cows over 520kgs topped at 415c/kg to average 394c/kg, cows 450-520kgs made as much as 409c/kg to average 386c/kg, while bulls over 600kgs sold to 386c/kg. In the store section, heavy feeder steers 400-500kgs reached 542c/kg to average 489c/kg, trade feeder steers 350-400kgs sold to 600c/kg to average 489c/kg, 280-350kgs steers topped at 600c/kg to average 575c/kg, weaner steers 200-280kgs made as much as 706c/kg to average 632c/kg, while light steers made to 752c/kg. Trade feeder heifers 350-400kgs sold to 458c/kg to average 439c/kg, 280-350kg heifers topped at 548c/kg to average 491c/kg, weaner heifers 200-280kgs made as much as 624c/kg to average 509c/kg, while light heifers under 200kgs sold to 570c/kg. No cows & calves to quote this week.

Sale Highlights:  Paul & Judy Wroe ‘Natal’ Middlemount sold Braford Bullocks to 448c/kg to weigh 593kg to return $2660, The Randell Family ‘Crinum’ Tieri sold Brahman Cows to 401c/kg and weighed 588kg or $2360. The Heelan Family ‘Pasha’ Clermont sold Droughtmaster Cows making to 415c/kg and weighed 587kg to return $2438, Don & Kay Gordon ‘Burn Meadows’ Emerald sold Brangus Cows to 400c/kg to weigh 637kg to return $2549. The Mott Family ‘The Crescent’ Rolleston sold Charolais Cross Steers to 706c/kg to weigh 268kg or $1893, Inverleigh Pastoral co ‘Inverleigh’ Normanton sold a line of Brahman Steer & Mickies with the heavier end making to 610c/kg to weigh 247kg to return $1508, with the draft of 216 head averaging 655c/kg, 199kg or $1308.
