Emerald Prime & Store Sale Report Thursday 16th June 2022
Store & Prime Sale – Thursday 16/06/2022
Sale Report: With end of financial year looming and a fantastic season across the selling area, Emerald agents yarded 940 for today sale. With some very good quality local cattle offered, there was also several tidy up stock from Northern areas, which tended to reduce the sale averages, but in reality, the good cattle experienced minimal change from the previous weeks rates.
In the prime section bullocks over 550kgs sold to 438c/kg to average 431c/kg, heavy steers 500-550kgs were too few to quote, heavy heifers over 400kgs coming under feeder & prime competition reached 476c/kg to average 403c/kg, heavy cows over 520kgs topped at 376c/kg to average 358c/kg, cows 450-520kgs made as much as 368c/kg to average 3351c/kg, while bulls over 600kgs sold to 368c/kg. In the store section, heavy feeder steers 400-500kgs reached 482c/kg to average 412c/kg, trade feeder steers 350-400kgs sold to 582c/kg to average 440c/kg, 280-350kgs steers topped at 748c/kg to average 671c/kg, weaner steers 200-280kgs made as much as 782c/kg to average 666c/kg, with too few light steers to quote. Trade feeder heifers 350-400kgs were too few in numbers, 280-350kg heifers topped at 576c/kg to average 432c/kg, weaner heifers 200-280kgs made as much as 640c/kg to average 501c/kg, while no light heifers this week. A pen of Angus cross Heifers, PTIC 2 months to Angus Bulls, sold for $3100 each.
Sale Highlights: Trevor & Alison Hamblin ‘Doris Park’ sold Simmental Cross Bullocks to 438c/kg to weigh 739kg or $3238, The Prince Family ‘Janibee’ Capella sold Droughtmaster Steers to 478c/kg to weigh 461kg & returned $2208. The Fairweather Family ‘Yatton’ Middlemount sold Euro Cross Steers to 748c/kg to weigh 288kg or $2161, The Truloff Family ‘The Firs’ Willows sold Brahman Cross Cows making to 350c/kg to weigh 540kg to return $1891. The Moriarty Family ‘Echidna Valley’ consigned Brangus Cross Cows to 367c/kg to weigh 601kg and $2207.