SOLD – “Girraween”, Capella

976 Montrose Road, Capella
40kms North of Emerald on the Montrose Road, 29kms South/East of Capella, 310kms to Rockhampton or 340kms to Mackay.
Total Area - 1,035.89 Hectares or 2,559.73 Acres.
Lot 25 on TT114 Freehold Tenure.
Shire of Central Highlands Regional Council.
Rates —$2,663.26 per half year.
Girraween is principally an undulating semi open to open downs grazing country. The property is approximately 40% Category X (Exempt Clearing Work) and 60% Category B (Remnant Vegetation). Although the larger percentage of the property is Category B, the open & semi open lightly timbered areas leaves very little to do regarding any regrowth treatment.
Well supplied by 2 equipped bores pumping 400 & 600 gallons per hour, plus seasonal water in "Belcong" Creek.
Main House — 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom renovated highset Queenslander, well-appointed with air conditioning throughout, built in underneath, large veranda, 10m inground pool and lawn & gardens surround the homestead.
Machinery Shed - 24x16m Steel frame Shed with 4m skillion on front, concrete floor, power, includes a 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom air-conditioned quarters with living/dining room and laundry.
Garage - 15 x 9m Steel & Timber frame garage adjacent to the main house, concrete floor, powered with 2.4 x 2.4m Cold-room and wood heater. A 2.8kwa Solar power system that powers the house & garage with spare power going back into the grid.
Cattle Yards - Portable panel with some permanent post put in pressure areas, includes draft, calf race & branding cradle, vet crush with scales through to loading ramp. Yards are watered from nearby tank, gravity fed. Laneway's feed into receiving yard below main yards.
Fencing - Girraween is sub-divided into six main paddocks, plus an additional three holding paddocks. External fence is sound to good, mainly four barbs with steel & timber posts. The internal fencing is sound to good, some areas needing minor repairs, three barbs to steel & timber posts.
"Girraween" is a well-located property almost halfway between Emerald & Capella, with a bitumen road right to your boundary. A beautiful home in great condition, with adequate bore water and an easy property to manage. Girraween would be versatile in either backgrounding steers or heifers to feeder weights or running breeders. The recent summer rains along with a destocking program has left Girraween with plenty of feed that will carry throughout the year. The vendors are motivated sellers with the genuine offering of this property for sale. Inspections will impress.
Matt Beard 0428 765 687
Terry Ray: 0427 821 177